Friday, May 6, 2011

picture of dandelion

summers coming

        You may have noticed while walking outside of your house or driving around town, that spring is coming to a end even though we are getting major rain still. Peoples lawns are covered in them yellow spots. Well if you didnt notice those are Dandelion. "Dandelion" comes from the french, it means mane of the lion. Dandelion is actually in the family of weeds and they where not orginally here. They where brought over to the U.S. and quickly spread throughout the states. Dandelions spread very quickly because the wind blows them white seeds on top of them around. Remember as a kid you would blow them white flowers, well you were actually making you lawn worse.

      So if you are looking to get rid of those annoying dandelions you have, well you cant completely get rid of them because they spread so fast and can live in rough soil and spread in any terain. If you are looking to treat your lawn this spring for summer you might wanna get it treated fast before your entire lawn is covered in those little yellow spots.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Plant 1

Plant 1

Black chokeberry

It is a dark red and blackish berry. With green leaves. The berries can be found in the bushes on the ground, usually located by rivers. It is a diciduous plant. It is not a a eatable plant when raw . Anamals such as squirrels eat them but then they get sick. They are distinguished by there purple stems and small size.

My son ate a couple of them and then got a really bad stomach ache. The ache lasted for about a day but he ended up throwing it up. My wife also ate a couple but she used to them so it just made her mouth turn purple.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reptile 2

The desert tortise. The tortise is 8-15lbs, 15 inches long and 6 inches ini height. Dark green body, with black spots on the shell. They shell has a bunch of spiral humps. It eats grass and some decomposers and large animals such as cougars eat them. The young is called a a turtling. I see them as I walk through the open fields by my home my wife likes to dress up as one and run around peeing on peoples door steps.

Reptile 1

Long toed salamander. It is 3 to 4 inchies long. It is grey-green black body, with a yellow spot on there back. They have a long tail and black hazy eyes. They eat slugs and worms. Birds and larger lizards eat them. I see them when I go night fishing because they only come out during the night. They liven the wet areas around ponds and lakes. I use them as bate and my wife (bogger Michele) eats them with milk as a snack.

Friday, April 15, 2011

insect 2

wolf spider. They are light brown with dark brown and black spots. they have a large black spot on there back. they are furry with black eyes. they are 1/2 to 2 inches in length. they carry eggs on there back. wolf spiders are not venimos but there bite can still hurt you. they have great eye sight. they eat mice and hawks ussally eat them. there young is a spiderling.

the wolf spiders make homes in my house in the winter but in the summer you can find them outside. my daughter was bit by one while she was playing in the woods and trees of our home. she was not hurt to bad because my wife (bogger michele) was with her and tended to her.